When investing in a new website, or a redesign, there are several things you need to make sure your web developer includes to give your site the best chance of being found on the internet and for your visitors to engage with it in the desired way. This might be to purchase a product, make an enquiry or pick up the phone and call you.
1. Visually appealing and user-friendly design
This is crucial for engaging visitors and encouraging them to explore your site further. You want your site to represent your business and your brand and give a great first impression to build on your reputation.
2. Seamless navigation for easy exploration
You want to make sure you make it as simple as possible for your site visitors to find the information they are looking for, whilst enhancing their overall experience.
3. Efficient functionality and mobile friendly design
Making sure your site has fast loading times and works on mobiles, tablets and desktops is key for retaining interest and maximising accessibility. It is especially important at a time when over 60% of users view websites on their phones so they want access to things quickly and efficiently. If your user has to work to make sense of the information, they will leave. If your site is slow, it will also affect its ranking on Google and the amount of enquiries that you receive.
4. Compelling and well-presented content
Once your visitors are on your site, you want them to stay there because your content is informative and relevant and presented in a clear and engaging way to maintain their attention. A great design, a clean and appealing layout and the use of professional images/videos to the overall viewing experience is crucial to retain visitors.
5. Integration with social media platforms
This is something that gets overlooked but is important as many businesses get traffic through their socials. Driving the traffic back to the site is key to for them to get even more information and getting in touch.
6. Implementation of search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies
Launching a lovely new site online isn’t enough to get your site seen by your key audience. You need to make sure there is SEO work being done in the background so your site reaches the people you want to see it and your Google ranking high on the search engines. To learn more about SEO and what it means visit our previous blog here https://www.websitesorted.com/our-top-10-seo-tips-and-best-practice-for-2021
7. Ongoing support
Making updates or changes to a new website can be overwhelming for some and can lead to mistakes. Ensuring you have an expert web partner to manage these changes or help you along the way can be the difference between your site being broken and unresponsive in the future.
We hope you found this information useful but if you would like to find out more about our services or getting a quote for a new website, please get in touch with us to speak to a member of our team.