We always like to remind our clients how important adding a blog posts is. It is a great way of adding unique content to your website and improves website SEO massively as all search engines love content, especially content that is full of key terms and phrases that users are searching for.
It is really important to make sure that each post is made as easy as possible to be discoverable online. You can improve your blog post SEO by setting a unique meta title for your posts.
Meta titles are the titles that help the search engines understand what a page is all about. They are the title that is listed on search results: the actual link you click on from Google to a website (see below).
Until recently, when posting a blog in Website Sorted content management system (CMS) the meta title was the same as the post title. For example, the title of this blog 'Improve the Power of your Blog', would also be what search engines displayed in their results.
Now, our clients can edit the Meta title field so it is the optimal length and includes a call to action. E.g. Improve the Power of your Blog - Learn Blogging Tips Now!
The video below shows how easy this is:
To learn more about the importance of blogging feel free to get in touch!